NOTE: The 3/26/25 "What Does It Mean To Be White?" ECCE Speaker Series event has been cancelled due to a conflict with Dr. Battalora's schedule.

The Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speaker Series aims to foster the appreciation for and practice of diversity and the active effort to make a difference in the world.

Logo for ECCE Speaker Series, featuring a blue globe with purple, yellow, and green leaves on it.

About the ECCE Speaker Series

The Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speaker Series Program is part of UIS’ distinctive ECCE curriculum that offers a program of courses for undergraduates. This curriculum is designed to foster the understandings of diversity, citizenship, issues of common concern and an active interest in making a difference in the world. The Speaker Series is also a venue for the UIS community to reach out and engage with its larger community and for the public to engage with UIS. The ECCE Speaker Series strives to introduce the public and students to diverse perspectives.  The series values open discussion and participation, which each event encourages as a major component of active citizenship.

The ECCE Speaker Series presents events that promote and adhere to the value of engaged citizenship, cultural awareness and respect for diversity. In particular, the Speaker Series features speakers and activities that exemplify engagement in civic life, enrich our understanding of and promote respect for the diversity of our communities, whether local or global, and inspire everyone to take on their social responsibility.

To attend our events, see our current event schedule. All listed events are free and open to the public.

As Part of the ECCE Curriculum

The ECCE Speaker Series reflects the aims of the ECCE curriculum and supplements the ECCE coursework. As a required one-credit course, students attend and participate in the Speaker Series events and reflect on them in writing. The course is offered in both online and on-ground formats. The ECCE Speaker Series continues to improve its Speaker Series course to provide the same sense of engagement and sense of community for both online and on-ground students.

ECCE Speaker Series Mission

Through its events, the ECCE Speaker Series strives to

  • Increase understanding of issues of citizenship and common concern among UIS students;
  • Engage the UIS community and larger regional and global communities in important conversations about the public good; and,
  • Inspire its audience to participate in the conversations, and act in the world as engaged citizens.

The Speaker Series is founded on and promotes the following ECCE learning outcomes for our students:

  • Recognizing the social responsibility of the individual within a larger community
  • Practicing awareness of and respect for the diversity of cultures and peoples in this country and in the world
  • Reflecting on the ways involvement, leadership, and respect for community occur at the local, regional, national, or international levels
  • Identifying how social systems such as economic, political, and legal systems may impact individual development
  • Engaging in open-minded and ethical decision-making and action
  • Distinguishing the possibilities and limitations of social change

View our Video on Demand site for recordings of previous events.

Event Cancelled: What Does It Mean To Be White?
EVENT CANCELLED: This event has been cancelled due to a conflict with Dr. Battalora's schedule. Dr. Battalora’s lecture entitled, “…
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