Career Connections Expo

The Career Connections Expo is an annual event hosted by the career development offices of the University of Illinois Springfield and other college/university partners in Springfield. The event takes annually in the Spring semester.  It is a great way to connect students, alumni, and community job seekers with employers who are looking for candidates for jobs, internships, and future connections.

This year the Career Connections Expo is hosted by the University of Illinois Springfield and Lincoln Land Community College and will be held on Thursday, March 31st from 11:00am-2:00pm.

Make plans to attend the Career Connections Expo on Thursday, March 31, 2022 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm at The Recreation & Athletic Center (TRAC) 2171 University Drive (on the UIS Campus). Guest parking will be available in Lot I (South).

There is no cost or pre-registration for students, alumni, and community jobseekers attending the event. For employer participants, advance registration is required.  Student, alumni, and community participants should plan to dress professionally and bring copies of their resume to share with participating employers.  Wearing masks is optional but encouraged as an additional precaution.  Learn more about the participating employers and positions available at

The 2022 Career Connections Expo is supported by advantage partners including: NPR IllinoisNorthwestern Mutual and MSF&W Consulting.

Information for Students/Job Seekers

Students – Career Fair Success

Career Fair Success © 2013
Download Quick Tips (PDF)


Contact the Career Development Center: