
To recognize the teaching accomplishments of non-tenure system faculty.

One $1,000 award for developmental purposes (conference attendance, research-related travel, commodities/supplies, subscriptions, equipment) will be given each year.

Who can be nominated?

Non-tenure system full-time faculty are eligible to be nominated for this award.

Who can make nominations?

UIS faculty colleagues may submit nominations for this award.  No self-nominations are allowed.

Nomination Guidelines

  1. Nomination materials must include a three-year teaching summary (maximum of three pages) plus supporting documents (maximum of three pages).
  2. A comprehensive evaluation of teaching effectiveness will involve evidence derived using multiple methods and measures, both quantitative and qualitative. Nominators may refer to and build on annual performance reports that address teaching effectiveness. In addition, the portfolio may contain illustrative examples of instructional materials, peer reviews, or other documents that reflect the nominee’s best work and important accomplishments in teaching, mentoring and supervision.
  3. Nominees may provide copies of annual performance reports and teaching summaries to nominators, or nominees may grant written permission for nominators to review the nominee’s personnel file for assistance with preparing the nomination.  Nominees may grant permission via an email message sent to UISfacultyfiles@uis.edu.


Excellence in Teaching and Learning Fellows and COLRS Fellows will pre-screen nominations, note whether or not candidates meet the required criteria, and write a one paragraph summary of each candidate for the Campus Sabbatical and Awards Committee.

Review Panel

The Campus Sabbatical and Awards Committee shall serve as the Review Panel for this award.  Consideration by the Review Panel shall include the nomination materials and the pre-screening summaries only.

Processing Guidelines

  1. All nominations are due by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. The nominee’s last name should be included in the names of all nomination documents. There are two options for submitting nomination materials:
    1. Materials may be emailed to UISfacultyfiles@uis.edu, or
    2. Materials may be uploaded (drag and drop) to the Faculty Awards folder in Box.
  2. The pre-screening summaries shall be presented to the Review Panel (via UISfacultyfiles@uis.edu) no later than February 15, 2022.
  3. The Review Panel shall make its recommendations to the Chancellor by Monday, March 7, 2022.
  4. The Chancellor shall subsequently notify the recipient of this award of her decision. The award will be recognized at the annual spring faculty honors celebration.
  5. The Provost/VCAA shall notify nominees not selected for this award.
  6. Nomination materials shall be placed in the appropriate faculty member’s personnel file following conclusion of the selection process.
