January 2024QI Planning BeginsInstitutional Effectiveness distributed a survey to the UIS community soliciting suggestions on areas that should be considered for the quality initiative over the next few years. A total of 434 responses were received (78 faculty/instructors, 138 staff/administrators, 124 undergraduate students, and 94 graduate students).
November 2024QI Topic RefinementFaculty, staff, and students participated in seven focus groups to share their ideas on a topic for the HLC Quality Initiative. A total of 32 people volunteered to participage (4 faculty, 13 staff, 10 graduate students, and 5 undergraduate students). Ideas could also be submitted through the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness website. One idea was received from a staff member through the online form.
December 2024QI Topic RefinementFeedback obtained from the Spring survey, November focus groups, and the website submission were analyzed.
January 2025QI Topic Selection & QI Steering Committee FormedTopic of strengthening and enhancing advising for students finalized and QI Steering Committee confirmed.
February 2025QI Steering Committee First MeetingSteering Committee met to discuss scope of initiative and possible sub-components.
March 2025Proposal DraftedQI Proposal will be drafted and shared with campus community for feedback.

Quality Initiative Steering Committee

  • Dr. Carrie Allen, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (co-chair)
  • Dr. Shipra Gupta, Associate Professor and Chair, Management, Marketing, and Operations (co-chair)
  • Ms. Jennifer Berry, Senior Academic Advisor, Computer Science
  • Ms. Priyanka Deo, Director of Student Media and Instructor, School of Communication and Media
  • Ms. Nicole Hager, Senior Associate Athletic Director for Academics and Compliance
  • Dr. Michele Gribbins, Associate Provost for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
  • Mr. Craig McFarland, Senior Academic Advisor, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 
  • Mr. Samuel Moore, SGA Representative
  • Dr. Stephen Schnebly, Associate Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Dr. Tarah Sweeting-Trotter, Director, Center for Academic Success and Advising
  • Dr. Jorge Villegas, Associate Dean, College of Business and Management