As members of the 2023-2025 OPEL Faculty Fellows Dr. Hei-Chi Chan (MAT/PHI) and Dr. Neetu Singh (MIS), they co-founded the Artificial Intelligence Campus Learning Community (AICLC). The goal is to engage, educate, and equip stakeholders (faculty, staff, & students) on the application and implication of AI tools and techniques. One of the primary focuses is to provide learning opportunities for students, creating more access for them to learn and integrate AI tools and techniques, giving them an edge as they enter a workforce that is rapidly transformed by generative AI. Contact either professor if you are interested in exploring and sharing the generative AI or AI work/experience/vision with the UIS Community.

Day of AI

AICLC is inviting you to participate in our AI event at UIS designed for high school students, regardless of your interest or future plans!!

Dav of AI event details


Events Sponsored or Co-sponsored by AICLC

Co-Founders Sharing Insights

Interested in exploring and sharing your AI work, experience, or vision with the UIS community?