Athletic training preparation, injury diagnosis, general medical conditions, pharmacology, leadership development, curriculum development and pedagogy.
Workplace bullying, Cyberbullying, Workplace conflict, Healthy Workplace legislation
Weuve C, Pitney WA. Athletic Trainers Experience with Different Modes of Workplace Bulling Across Various Practice Settings: A Cross Sectional Study. (Accepted by Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice on August 16, 2024 â¿¿ awaiting publication)
Mazerolle SM, Pitney WA, Weuve C. Workplace Bullying in Athletic Training. In: Mazerolle SM, Pitney WA, eds. Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers. Indianapolis, IN: Slack Inc. (Published November 2017)
Pitney WA, Weuve C, Mazerolle SM. The Experiences With and Perceptions of Workplace Bullying Among Athletic Trainers in the Secondary School Setting. J Athl Train. 2016;51(10):000-000.
McKenzie JB, Wieting JM, Weuve C, Cook B. The Frequency and Effects of Workplace Bullying during Osteopathic Medical Education. Poster presented at: 10th Annual Cambridge Health Alliance Academic Poster Session; 2016; Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Weuve C, Pitney WA, Martin M, Mazerolle SM. Experiences with Workplace Bullying Among Athletic Trainers in the Collegiate Setting. J Athl Train. 2014;49(5):696â¿¿705.
Weuve C, Pitney WA, Martin M, Mazerolle SM. Perceptions of Workplace Bullying Among Athletic Trainers in the Collegiate Setting. J Athl Train. 2014;49(5):706â¿¿718.
Weuve C, Mazerolle SM, Pitney WA, Martin M. Workplace bullying in clinical and educational settings. Int J Athl Ther Train. 2013;18(5):10-16.
Weuve C, Martin M, White G. Criminal Background Checks: Part One â¿¿ Implications on Employment. Athletic Therapy Today. 2008;13(5):23-26.
Weuve C, Martin M, White G. Criminal Background Checks: Part Two â¿¿ Implications for Education. Athletic Therapy Today. 2008;13(5):27-30
Weuve C. Research Grant Speaker â¿¿ The Experiences and Perceptions of Workplace Bullying Among Athletic Trainers in the Secondary School Setting. Great Lakes Athletic Trainersâ¿¿ Association Annual Symposium. Chicago, IL March 2015.
Weuve C. Special Topics Speaker â¿¿ Workplace Bullying in Athletic Training. 65th National Athletic Trainersâ¿¿ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. Indianapolis, IN. June 2014.
Weuve C, Pitney WA, Mazerolle SM. Feature Presentation Speaker â¿¿ Negative Encounters in the Workplace: Recognizing and Dealing with Various Forms of Conflict in Athletic Training Settings. 65th National Athletic Trainersâ¿¿ Association Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. Indianapolis, IN. June 2014.
Weuve C. Workplace Bullying in Athletic Training. ATPodcasts. July 30, 2013.
Weuve C, Grigsby D. Workplace Bullying in Athletic Training: From Research to Practice. Athletic Trainersâ¿¿ Meeting. South Atlantic Conference. Salisbury, North Carolina. July 20, 2013.
Campus and U of I System Governance, Workplace Behavior Task Force, Presidential Executive Leadership Program, HERS Summer Leadership Institute Alum
Associate Professor and Director - Master of Athletic Training Program:
ATH 511: Foundations of Athletic Training Practice
ATH 522: Lower Quarter Assessment and Management
ATH 532: Upper Quarter Assessment and Management
ATH 542: Medical Conditions
ATH 545: Therapeutic Interventions III (Pharmacology)
ATH 561: Contemporary Management and Leadership in Healthcare
ATH 595: Graduate Seminar in Athletic Training