Leslie Maroun
School of Education
Field Placement Coordinator
Office Location
1 University Plaza
Phone Number

Leslie Maroun is the Field Placement Coordinator for the School of Education. As the Field Placement coordinator, Ms. Maroun works with UIS students, staff, and faculty to find suitable placements at schools where UIS students can learn how to practically apply knowledge recently gained.


Ms. Maroun spent the majority of her career as a middle school science teacher at Peoria Public School District 150. During

this time, Ms. Maroun completed her Professional Master of Arts through a grant funded cohort focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education at Bradley University. A portion of the grant was used to send Ms.

Maroun and four other cohort members to the University of Baltimore Maryland for three consecutive summers to work with Dr. Susan Hobin. During this time, cohort members received specialized training in robotics. This training was

then used by the cohort members to lead a problem based professional development opportunity for middle school science and math teachers in the Washington D.C. area and later for Peoria area educators.


Additionally, Ms. Maroun has volunteered as the secretary for the Woodford County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of

America where she became a certified stream monitor for Save our Streams. She has also served as a volunteer for the Sun Foundations' Arts and Science in the Woods as well as a Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) instructor at St.

Ann's Catholic Church.