Campus Affiliations
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Sociology/Anthropology
Classical Host, Special Arts Broadcast, NPR Illinois
Doctorate of Philosophy in Musicology, University of Michigan
Research Areas
Rebetika and Greek popular music; music and social justice
Music as transformative education
MUS 105/305B UIS Orchestra
MUS 121 Music Appreciation
MUS/SOA 191 Musics of the World
MUS/TEP 261 Introduction to Music Education
MUS/SOA 419 American Musics
CAP 122: Who Am I? Exploring Identity Through Music and Culture (Honors Course)
CAP 123: How Do You Know? Music, Culture, and Social Justice (Honors Course)
LNT 590 Master's Thesis
LNT 599 Master's - Independent Study
Select Publications
"'You only wanted me for the kitchen: That's why I revolted like Bouboulina': Gendered Commemorations of Bouboulina in Greek Music." In A. Householder Kalogeropoulou (ed.), Bouboulina and the Greek Revolution: Interdis2: ciplinary Perspectives on the Heroine of 1821. Lanham: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield. Forthcoming.
"Rage Against the Machine's Evil empire: Music and Political Socialization in Early Adolescence." In C. Teresa (ed.), The Adolescentia Project: Essays on Music, Adolescence, and Identity. Forthcoming.
"Authenticity." in J. Sturman (ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture (vol. 1), pp. 283-285. Los Angeles & London: Sage Publications. 2019.
"Voicing Belonging: Contemporary Rebetika Performance as Carnivalesque." Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies 2(2): 137-156. 2017.
"Rebetika and Catharsis: Cultural Practice as Crisis Management,." In J. Edwards (ed.), Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy (Special Edition on Medical Ethnomusicology and Music Therapy) 15(3). 2015.
"Towards a Philosophy of Student-Centered Music and Social Justice Learning." Engaging Students: Essays in Music Pedagogy (vol. 2). 2014.
Book Reviews
Moore, R. (ed.) College Music Curricula for a New Century,." Ethnomusicology. Forthcoming.
Bucuvalas, T. (ed.) Greek Music in America." Ergon: Greek/American Arts and Letters. 2020.
Papakostas, C. 'Σαχ'αι σι, βαρό νι ν'αι'. Ρομά και λαικός πολιτισμός στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα [We have nettles but no flour': Roma music and dance identities in Northern Greece]." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 35(2): 413-416. 2018.
Lashua B., Spracklen K. and Waag, S. (eds.) Sounds and the City: Popular Music, Place and Globalization." Journal oof World Popular Music 2(1): 102-107. 2015.
Fast, S. and Pegley, K. (eds.) Music Politics, and Violence." Echo! A Music Centered Journal. 2014.
Rebetiki Istoria: Rebetika Songs of Greece. Protasis Studios. September 2017, Compact Disc.
Music Editor of Ergon: A Journal of Greek/American and Diaspora Arts and Literature