During emergency situations, Building Evacuation (Get Out) is an option. Only follow these actions if it is safe to do so. When in doubt, follow your instincts – you are your best advocate.
Building Evacuation (Get Out)
Action taken to leave an area for personal safety.
- Take the time to learn the different ways to leave your building before there is an emergency.
- Evacuations are mandatory for fire alarms and when directed by authorities. No exceptions!
- Evacuate immediately. Pull manual fire alarm to prompt a response for others to evacuate.
- Take critical personal items only (keys, purse and outerwear) and close doors behind you.
- Assist those who need help, but carefully consider whether you may put yourself at risk.
- Look for Exit signs indicating potential egress/escape routes.
- Evacuate to an evacuation assembly area. If not known, exit the building to a safe location.
- Remain at the evacuation assembly area until additional instructions are given.
- Alert authorities to those who may need assistance.
- Do not re-enter the building until informed by emergency personnel that it is safe to return.