- If a serious injury or illness occurs, call the UIS Police Department at 206-7777 or 911. Give your name, describe the nature and severity of the medical problems, and the campus location of the victim.
Note: UISPD has a direct line to paramedics and ambulance service and can render first aid and CPR.
- In case of minor injury or illness, provide first aid care. Use the first aid materials located in the building (if available).
- In case of serious injury or illness, quickly perform the following steps:
- Keep victim still and comfortable. Do Not Move Victim.
- Ask victim, “Are you okay?” and “What is wrong?”
- Check breathing and conditions of victim.
- Control serious bleeding by direct pressure on the wound.
- Provide assistance to the victim until help arrives.
- Look for emergency medical I.D. Question witnesses and give all information to UISPD.
- Call 206-7777 or 911.
- Call Campus Office of Health Services, 6-6676, if injury or illness is minor.
Be sure to restock first aid supply kits as materials are used.
Poisoning and Overdose
- Stay with victim and assist as necessary.
- If choking, lower victim’s head.
- Check victim’s mouth and clear of foreign matter.
- Use abdominal thrusts if trained to do so.
Fainting, Unconsciousness and Shock
- Have victim lie or sit down and rest.
Fractures and Sprains
- Keep victim still.
- Keep injured area immobile.
Severe Bleeding and Wounds
- Apply direct pressure on wound (until help arrives) using a clean cloth or hand.
Heart Attack
- Place victim lying down on back.
- Give resuscitation or CPR as necessary, if trained to do so.
- Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), if available, and only if you have been trained to use one.
Burns, Thermal and Chemical
- Flood chemical burn with cool water.
- Cover burn with dry bandage.
- Keep victim quiet and comfortable.
Note: Professional medical care should be sought after first aid is given.