Grow Your Own - Illinois aims to recruit, equip, and prepare educators who are critical thinkers. UIS is excited to partner with GYO - IL for the 2025-2026 school year. We seek to support community-connected individuals to become certified teachers to improve their students' educational opportunities and outcomes.
Interested teacher candidates must be (1) accepted into UIS and (2) meet the following criteria.
- A current or former para-professional in schools or
- An involved community member or
- A parent of a student (s) who attends or attended a school in the Springfield or Decatur communities.
The application will be reviewed by representatives of the consortium, and candidates will be notified of their acceptance.
Interested in Applying or Have Questions?
Candidates should apply to both the University of Illinois Springfield and GYO Teachers Preparation Initiative.
The application for the Grow Your Own Teachers Preparation Initiative is closed and will re-open in April 2025 if spots become available. All applicants must complete the UIS Application, choosing 'Bachelors' as the degree type.
Questions? Email Dr. Pamela Hoff or call 217-206-6523
Wraparound Supports
- Stipends – Candidates may receive a stipend to assist with costs related to childcare, transportation, housing, and/or meals.
- Access to technology – If needed, candidates may borrow a laptop while enrolled in the program. Candidates will also have free access to a printer and photocopier located in the School of Education.
- Bridge program – Each summer, new students will participate in a bridge program that will orient them to campus and the program, assist them in developing a peer network, and allow students to establish relationships with key personnel in the School of Education.
Program Personnel

Program Director - Pamela Hoff, Ph.D.
Dr. Hoff is a Distinguished Professor of Policy and Equity at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Her areas of specialization are transformative education, African American education, and socio-cultural aspects of education.
As the Program Director, her responsibilities will include the day-to-day leadership and facilitation of grant activities, serving as the primary contact person for the consortium, conducting and managing cohort meetings, conducting meetings with academic counselors, meeting with program evaluators, coordinating tutorial support, monitoring academic progress of candidates, assisting the consortium by providing information regarding the anticipated completion dates of candidates to assist with placement where positions may be available and attending consortium meetings. Dr. Hoff will also be available to answer questions about registration, UIS teacher education programs and entrance requirements

Principal Investigator and Program Coordinator - Beth Hatt, Ph.D
Beth Hatt is a professor in the School of Education at the University of Illinois Springfield. Her professional background includes expertise related to developmental psychology and working with adults and youth with autism. She also has experience studying successful Comer School Development Programs in urban schools. She will provide direction and oversight for the consortium including grant applications and annual reports, meeting with program evaluators, and monitoring grant expenditures. Dr. Hatt will also help candidates solve individual problems related to their classes, basic skills tests and other college requirements.