Faculty Contribution & Recognition
Bockmier-Sommers, D., Bogle, L., Magoulias, C., Chen, C-C., Martin, J.L., & Swan, K. (April, 2021), Carl Rogers, feedback, and enhancing teacher-student interactions online. Society for Instructional Technology and Teacher Education Virtual Conference.
Bockmier-Sommers, D.K., Martin, J. L., & Vinson, L. (October 2021). Using Carl Rogers inspired model of online instruction toward an anti-racist pedagogy. National Organization of Human Services Virtual Conference.
Bockmier-Sommers, D. K., & Martin, J. L. (2020, June). Using empathy, genuineness and unconditional positive regard to build safety for discussing difficult topics in the online classroom. OLC Innovate 2020 Virtual Conference (June 15-26, 2020).
Brooks, J. N., & Martin, J. L. (2022, February). Crowns, Coded Language, and Class: Social Justice Advocacy in School Dress Codes. Association of Teacher Educators’ 2022 Annual. Chicago, IL.
Brooks, J. N., & Martin, J. L. (2022, March). Equal education for all, not just us: Using All American Boys for racial justice in our schools. Illinois Reading Council Conference, Springfield, IL.
Brooks, J. N., & Martin, J. L. (2021, November). It’s the little things: The do’s and don’ts of student teaching. Kappa Delta Pi Virtual Convocation.
Brooks, J. N., & Martin, J. L. (2021, May). We'll save them, not teach them: Urban students are America's untouchable class. Seventeenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (virtual), Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Dunning, A. (2022, February). Criteria for Selecting Strategies: Insider Knowledge of the Author. Presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Magoulias, C., Swan, K., Chen, B., Martin, J. L., Bockmier-Sommers, D., & Bogle, L. (2021, September). Enhancing the instructor-student relationships: Measuring and using empathy, regard, genuineness, and unconditionality in Feedback. OLC Accelerate.
Magoulias, C. & Cox, D. (February, 2022) Using Superintendent Evaluation to Reflect District Goals and Professional Growth. Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference. AASA National Conference on Education.
Martin, J. L., & Wood, C. (2021, December). Radical dreams and letters of two transgressive scholars. 3rd International Conference Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy (virtual).
Martin, J. L., Miller, G., Cook, N., & Smith, C. (2021, November). Teacher advocacy 101: Using your teacher voice for good. Kappa Delta Pi Virtual Convocation.
Martin, J. L., & Wood, C. (2022, April). Discovering voice: Freirean transformation for emancipatory praxis. American Educational Research Association 2022 Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference.
Martin, J. L. & Brooks, J. N. (2021, September). Whose education? Multiculturalism as recovered memory, a new historical identity. International Virtual Conference on New Populism and Responses of the 21st Century. Christ University, Bangalore, India.
Martin, J. L., & Wood, C. (2021, June). Letters to Paulo from two transgressive scholars: Critical counternarratives in teacher education. Curriculum Studies Summer Collaborative (virtual). Georgia Southern University.
Martin, J. L., & Hoffman, J. (2021, April). Abolitionist literacy in urban education: Resisting scripted literacy. 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
Martin, J. L., (2021, April).) Living among the ruins: Disrupting the mob. Paper presented in the following panel: Hernández-Saca, D.I. (Chair), Pearson, H. (Discussant), Martin, J. L., Valentim, I.V.L., & Nusbaum, E.A. Mobbing in the Academy, An International Perspective: Finding Spiritual Self-Care Amid a Pandemic. American Educational Research Association 2021, Virtual Conference.
Martin, J. L., & Chase, E. (2021, April). Space defenders: Power and privilege for women in positions of K -12 leadership. American Educational Research Association 2021, Virtual Conference.
Martin, J. L., Akbar, N. J., & Magoulias, C. (2020, December). Seeking racial equity during a pandemic: Pedagogically dreaming. 10th International Conference on Education and Social Justice. Online.
Swan, K., Chen, B., Bockmier-Sommers, D. K., Martin, J. L., Magoulias, C., & Bogle, L. (2021, March). Enhancing instructor-student relationships through online journaling using Carl Rogers’ person-centered approach. OLC Innovate 2021 Virtual Conference (March 15-19, 2021).
Akbar, N. J., Martin, J. L., Magoulias, C., & Rebelsky, D. (In press). Under-resourced, Underfunded, and COVID: Schools seeking racial equity during a pandemic. In T. M. Mealy, H. Bennett, C. Towne O’Neill (eds.) A race conscious pedagogy future: Cultivating race conscious classrooms following dual pandemics, COVID-19 and RACISM. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Dunning, A. (2022). A framework for selecting strategies for whole-class mathematics discussions. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Empson, S. B., Jacobs, V. R., Jessup, N., Hewitt, A., Pynes, D., & Krause, G. R. (2020). Unit fractions as superheroes for fraction instruction. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12.
Hernández-Saca, D. I., Martin, J. L., & Meacham, S. (2020). The hidden elephant is oppression: Shaming, mobbing, and institutional betrayals within the academy—finding strength in collaborative self-study. Studying Teacher Education: A Journal of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, 16(1), 26-47.
Hoffman, J. W., & Martin, J. L. (2020). Abolitionist teaching in an urban district: A literacy coup. Urban Education. DOI: 10.1177/0042085920943937
Martin, J. L., & Brooks, J. N. (In progress). Mentoring the mentor: Celebrating the intersection of learning together, a reciprocal journey. New York, NY: DIO Press.Brooks, J. N., & Martin, J. L. (In press). Combating racial spotlighting and anti-blackness. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership.
Martin, J. L. (2022). Racial animus in teacher education: Uncovering the hidden racism behind the concept of “care.” The Educational Forum.
Martin, J. L., & Hoffman, J. W. (2021). Teaching resistance with young adult literature: Critical conversations about Internment. Language Arts Journal of Michigan.
Martin, J. L., & Beese, J. A. (2020). The bus incident. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership.
Martin, J. L., & Brooks, J. N. (2020). Loc’d and faded, yoga pants and spaghetti straps: Discrimination in dress codes and school pushout. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 16(19) 1-19.
Martin, J. L., & Smith, J. (2020). Why we march! Feminist activism in critical times: Lessons from the women’s march on Washington. Women’s Studies International Forum, 81.
Martin, J. L., & Beese, J. A. (2020). Moving beyond the lecture: Inspiring social justice engagement through counter-story using case study pedagogy. The Educational Forum, 84(3), 210-225.
Martin, J. L., & Brooks, J. N. (2020). Turning white: Co-opting a profession through the myth of progress, an intersectional historical perspective of Brown v. Board of Education, Educational Considerations, 45(2). https://doi.org/10.4148/0146-9282.2190
Swan, K., Bogle, L., Magoulias, C., Bockmier-Sommers, D. Chen, C-C., & Martin, J. L. (2021, April). Carl Rogers, feedback, and enhancing teacher-student interactions online. SITE (Society for Instructional Technology and Teacher Education) 2021 Proceedings.
Recipient (2021): Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award (University of Illinois at Springfield).Recipient (2019): Undergraduate Faculty Mentor Research Award (University of Illinois at Springfield).
Recipient (2019): Paula Silver Case Award for Volume Year 2018, UCEA Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (Volume 21): “The Bathroom Case: Creating a Supportive School Environment for Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Students.
Recipient (2016): AERA Division B’s Outstanding Book Recognition Award for Racial battle fatigue: Insights from the front lines of social justice advocacy.
Recipient (2015): Kappa Delta Pi Midwest Regional Chapter Counselor Award.