
In 2021, the University of Illinois Springfield was granted 5 years of initial accreditation for their new Master of Athletic Training program through the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).  The next required comprehensive accreditation review for this program will be conducted during the 2025-2026 academic year.  Students graduating the MATR program are eligible to sit for the credentialing examination for athletic trainers and are eligible for licensure in most states.

CAATE Accredidation Logo

CAATE Accredited Program Information and Outcomes

Board of Certification Results

Number/Percentage of Students2019-202020-212021-222022-232023-242024-253-YR Aggregate
Number of students entering the program with this cohort.34064919
Number of students graduating from program.33-69
Number of students graduating from program who took examination.33-69
Number of students who passed the examination on the first attempt.33-58
Percentage of students who passed the examination on the first attempt.100100-8389%
Number of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts.33-58
Percentage of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts.  100100-8389%

*revised 9.24.2024

matr RETENTION RATE2019-202020-212021-222022-232023-242024-253-YR AGGREGATE
Number of students beginning PY 1 in the MATR program.34064910
Number of students returning for subsequent PY 2 in the MATR program.33-639
Retention Rate (%)100%75%-100%75%90%

PY = Professional Year

matr GRADUATION RATES (by cohort)2019-202020-212021-222022-232023-242024-253-YR AGGREGATE
Number of students graduating from the MATR program.33-69
Graduation Rate (%)100%100%-100%90%

Graduation rate (taken from United States Department of Education): Measures the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree- or certificate seeking students by showing the percentage of these students who complete their degree or certificate within a 150% of “normal time” for completing the program in which they are enrolled.
Graduation rate is calculated as: the sum of students with a Graduated status divided by the total number of students in the cohort (excluding students with the status of leave of absence (medical) or deceased).

Student employement/placement RATES #2019-202020-212021-222022-232023-242024-253-YR AGGREGATE
Number of graduates employed as AT.33-58
Student Employment/Placement Rate as AT (%)100100-8389
Number of students employed as other0
Student Employment/Placement Rae as other (%)0
Number of students not employed00-11
Student Not Employed Rate (%)11

*tabled revised 9.24.2024

#Employment rate is calculated as: the sum of students with a Employed as an Athletic Trainer or Employed as an Athletic Trainer and in a degree or residency program then divided by the total number of students who have graduated (excluding students with a Not Employed, due to military service and Deceased).

Comparative National Data for Board of Certification Exam^

Year First-Time Pass Rate (released April of each year)
2024 - 2025
2023 - 202469%
2022 - 202374%
2021 – 202277%
2020 – 202162%
2019 – 202078%
2018 – 201978%
2017 – 201889%
2016 – 201784%

^Test year begins in April exam and ends with February exam the following year