Types of Assistantships
Graduate Assistants’ activities are quite varied, but include
- conducting survey research
- mentoring undergraduates
- developing websites
- creating print materials
- doing library research
- participating in faculty meetings
- serving on search committees
- helping with classroom instruction
Depending on the duties, assistantships are categorized as
- Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA)
- Graduate Research Assistant (RA)
- Graduate Assistant (GA)
- Pre-Professional Graduate Assistant (PGA)
Descriptions of assistantship categories
The duties of a Graduate Teaching Assistant are to conduct or support instruction. Assistants whose primary (i.e. greater than 50%) duties consist of the following types of activities will be categorized as Graduate Teaching Assistants:
- Teaching classes (not as the instructor of record)
- Providing artistic instruction
- Grading student assignments
- Proctoring exams
- Leading lab or discussion groups in a course setting
- Developing academic instructional materials
- Tutoring students
- Accompanying/coaching musical or vocal performances
- Maintaining office hours to provide instructional support
The duties of a Graduate Research Assistant are to apply and master research concepts, practices, or methods of scholarship. Assistants whose primary (i.e. greater than 50%) duties consist of the following types of activities will be categorized as Graduate Research Assistants:
- Conducting experiments
- Presenting findings in a publication or dissertation
- Organizing or analyzing data
- Collaborating with faculty in preparing publications
- Overseeing work of other RAs
- Other research activities
The duties of a Graduate Assistant are to support administrative functions. Assistants whose primary (i.e., greater than 50%) duties consist of the following types of activities will be classified as Graduate Assistants:
Clerical Support
- Copying course materials
- General office work/clerical/receptionist
- Correspondence
- Supervising reading room
Technical/Support Services
- Website management/assisting faculty with web pages
- Network administration/end user support
- Equipment management
- Monitoring instructional and service labs (computer, video, etc.)
- Translation
- Routine support for publications (record keeping, writing copy for university or department newsletters or non-research publications, correspondence, etc.)
- Providing curricular and academic advice to students
- Providing support to advisors
Outreach Duties
- Recruiting students
- Publicizing programs and activities to campus and public constituencies
- Working with/assisting with event management
Pre-professional Graduate Assistants are appointed to positions in which their duties are directly related to their fields of study and in which they gain experience, practice, or guidance directly related to their career preparation. At UIS students who are (1) enrolled in the following areas of study, and are (2) appointed in the appointing units listed below will be appointed as Pre-Professional Graduate Assistants.
- Areas of Study: Human Development Counseling or Human Services
- Appointing Unit: UIS Counseling Center