Career Toolbox & Request Forms

Because the Career Development Center’s goal is to provide increased opportunities for students to receive and apply information about career and professional development, the department has attempted to provide easy access to resources and tools to use with students in a variety of settings.

We want to assure faculty and staff the CDC staff will remain available for partnerships so you may continue to request Career Development Center classroom and student organization presentations, or propose any other special partnership to provide enhanced opportunities for students. See our Request and Referral Forms section to submit any requests. Please plan in advance, since we have limited time slots available.

UIS Exclusive Online Resources

The Faculty/Staff Career Toolbox has been updated and customized with the intent to easily find information and tools to use for personal professional development and with students that will be complementary to curricular and co-curricular activities. A list of tools and resources is below with a brief summary of each so you may determine which exclusive resource might be the most beneficial to your class’s subject matter or a student organization’s objective.

Handouts & Guides

At times you may want supplemental career information to reference. The handouts and guides developed by the CDC staff include career topics which tend to be the most requested resources by students. Feel free to use them accordingly, or at least help us to market these valuable resources and tools to students and remind them they are available on the CDC website.

Request and Referral Forms


What type of career and professional development activities are typically available to students, staff, and faculty?

View our current events calendar to see all of our currently planned events.

If you are trying to plan your syllabus and would like to know about opportunities not yet posted, please contact the CDC since we typically plan our events at least on semester in advance.

What is the process if I want to offer extra credit to students or attend the event with my class?

Email the CDC and provide us with the following information:

  • Name of CDC Event
  • Course Title, Section
  • Name of Instructor
  • Class List
  • Location to Deliver Sign-In Registration Sheets
  • Any Specific Requests or Requirements