Final grade entry

Final grade submission deadlines are listed on the academic calendar for each term. Full final grade submission instructions are available in the Other Events/Dates section at the bottom of the Office of Registration website. Find the "grades due" events to view the instructions.

  1. Go to the Enterprise Self-Service system.
  2. Click on UIS.
  3. Log in with your UIS NetID and Password with dual authentication. This is the same information that you use to log into UIS Canvas.
  4. Click on the Faculty & Advisor Services square, click on the Final Grade Entry link. All gradable courses appear.
  5. Click anywhere on the course row data and a gradable class list will populate.
  6. Enter grades for all students listed. All students on the roster are officially enrolled in your course and must be assigned a grade.
  7. Click Submit to complete the process.

Detailed final grade submission instructions, including how to submit provisional (incomplete) grades and grades of F, are emailed to instructors from the Office of the Registrar.

To view your course roster

  1. Go to the Enterprise Self-Service system.
  2. Click on UIS.
  3. Log in with your UIS NetID and Password with dual authentication. This is the same information that you use to log into UIS Canvas.
  4. In the Faculty & Advisor Services square, click on the Class Rosters link.
  5. Then click on the course subject or number of enrollments to view the list of students in your course.
    Note: The text to click on to display your list of students does not look hyperlinked. It is plain, black text. If you click on the blue hyperlinks, it will not display a list of your students!

Obtain a list of student email addresses

  1. Go to the Enterprise Self-Service system.
  2. Click on UIS.
  3. Log in with your UIS NetID and Password with dual authentication. This is the same information that you use to log into UIS Canvas.
  4. In the Faculty & Advisor Services square, click on the Class Rosters link.
  5. Click anywhere on the course row data and class list will populate.
    Note: The text to click on to display your list of students does not look hyperlinked. It is plain, black text. If you click on the blue hyperlinks, it will not display a list of your students!
  6. Check the boxes next to the students you wish to email, and then click on the Copy Email Addresses button to copy the list or click on the envelope icon to create an email to these students in your default email application.