Alexander Gerlach, Candidate for Online Student Senator

Alexander Gerlach, Candidate for Online Student Senator

My fellow students, I stand before you not merely as a candidate for student government, but as a relentless advocate for the voiceless, the hesitant, and the marginalized. Like a steadfast lighthouse amidst turbulent seas, I pledge to be a guiding force, offering solace and strength to those who fear retribution for sharing their honest opinions and interests. In the corridors of power, where whispers echo and decisions loom large, I shall not falter in my resolve to champion the rights of all students. Together, let us banish the shadowy figures we see looming amongst us and shine light upon the true desires of the student body. Lao Tzu said that a true leader treats the needs of others as if they were their own. That is what I will do. I am a vessel for your will. Vote for me, and make your voice heard.