Please join us for the next installment of the monthly Employee Development Series: Autism on Campus - Recognizing the Signs, Supporting & Accommodating the Person. The focus of this event is to draw the audience’s attention to the field of autism as it relates to UIS campus-based support and accommodations. With a supposed “autism tsunami” in the years to come in which UIS will likely see a significant increase of employees and students on the spectrum, UIS needs to prepare for it, at all levels. Participants will learn about the research Dr. Jonathan Pierce conducted at Aspiritech, a company in the Chicago area that hires and supports employees with high-functioning autism.

The presentation will be participative in nature and will culminate in a live demonstration on stage of some common workplace accommodations and supports for individuals with autism, followed by an open dialogue with questions and comments from the audience.

This session will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in Brookens Auditorium. Register here today to join us!

Brookens Auditorium
Event Type