Course Survey App - Frequently Asked Questions
The University of Illinois Springfield requests and uses the opinions and input of students in the evaluation of full-time and adjunct faculty. To facilitate gathering of students' thoughts and opinions, UIS implemented the Course Survey App beginning Spring 2025 semester. The App replaces the earlier course evaluation instrument. Below are responses to frequently asked questions about the Course Survey App. Students and faculty with questions not answered here are welcome to submit additional questions (UIS login required). The FAQ will be updated as students and faculty begin using the App and raise other questions.
Questions from Students
How will I know when Course Surveys are available for me to complete?
Notifications will be posted in Canvas, and instructors are encouraged to share the link with students as well. The App will provide details about the survey submission deadline for each course (different deadlines are in place for Intersession, First-half, and Full-term/Last-half courses).
Why is my course not eligible for evaluation?
To protect student confidentiality, courses with fewer than three students enrolled are not eligible for evaluation. Other courses typically not eligible for evaluation include entrance/exit exam courses and external internships.
Can I begin a survey, save my responses, and return to finish later?
No; each survey must be completed in one sitting. If you begin a survey and do not complete, you will have the opportunity to begin fresh when you return to complete the survey.
Can I edit a survey after I have submitted?
No; students may view but not edit submitted surveys.
Questions from Faculty
Where can I preview the course survey questions?
A link to preview the course survey is available in the App.
Will there continue to be a separate survey for UNI 301 courses?
Yes; students will see the link to the appropriate survey for each course in the App. Both the standard survey and the UNI survey are included in the App.
When will students have access to complete course surveys?
Course surveys open toward the end of the semester and close on the eve of finals week. The survey open and close dates for each course are listed in the Course Survey App.