Employee Tuition Waivers
Civil Service Employees of the University
An employee on a 100 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for a maximum of 11 credit hours per semester (i.e., Fall or Spring). An employee on a 50 percent to 99 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for a maximum of five credit hours per semester. During the summer session, tuition and fee waivers are reduced to 50 percent of the credit hours allowed for a semester.
To be eligible for a tuition and fee waiver, you must hold an active appointment for no less than three-fourths of the academic term which is defined as 91 days in fall or spring or 41 days of summer term.
The waiver includes tuition and all mandatory fees excluding Green Fee, Student to Student Fee and Student Insurance.
No form is required for approval. The waiver is automatically applied in the Banner system that houses employment and waiver data.
AP & Faculty Employees of the University
To be eligible for a tuition and fee waiver, you must hold an active appointment for no less than three-fourths of the academic term which is defined as 91 days in fall or spring or 41 days of summer term, and have an active appointment of 25 percent or more of full- time service. There is no credit limit.
The waiver includes tuition and all mandatory fees excluding Green Fee, Student to Student Fee and Student Insurance.
No form is required for approval. The waiver is automatically applied in the Banner system that houses employment and waiver data.
Retirees of the University
A retiree is eligible for up to 11 credit hours per semester (i.e., Fall or Spring). During the summer session, tuition and fee waivers are reduced to 50 percent of the credit hours allowed for a semester.
The waiver includes tuition and all mandatory fees excluding Green Fee, Student to Student Fee and Student Insurance.
Retirees who are interested in a waiver should contact their former human resources office to complete a form and receive an approval through HR. The approval will then be sent from UIS HR to UIS Financial aid for processing.
Inter-institutional Civil Service Employees
Eligible civil service employees from Illinois senior public universities who attend UIS are eligible for a tuition waiver covering up to six credit hours per standard semester (i.e., Fall or Spring). No fees are waived. During the summer session waivers are reduced to 50 percent of the credit hours allowed for a semester.
To be eligible for a tuition and fee waiver, you must hold an active appointment for no less than three-fourths of the academic term which is defined as 91 days in fall or spring or 41 days of summer term.
Additional Information
For more information please visit the System Human Resource Services website.
Not all programs at UIS are eligible for the waiver. See the Employee Tuition Waiver Exemption page for more information.