Meg Cass
English and Modern Languages
Associate Prof.
Office Location
UHB 3050
Phone Number

Dr. Meg Cass (they/them) teaches courses in fiction writing, flash fiction, flash creative nonfiction, composition, independent publishing, and contemporary literature with an emphasis on trans and queer writers. Their first collection of short stories, ActivAmerica, was selected by Claire Vaye Watkins for the Katherine Anne Porter Prize and was published by University of North Texas Press in 2017. Their work draws from fairy tales, science fiction and horror to explore issues of gender, sexuality, place, and embodiment. Recent stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Foglifter, Ecotone, Mississippi Review, Passages North, and other magazines. Cass' flash fiction was selected for the Wigleaf Top 50 anthology and for the SmokeLong Quarterly Best of the First 10 Years anthology. In 2020, they received a fellowship from the Jentel Artist Residency Program. Cass co-founded and co-edits Craft Chaps, a series of free creative writing craft chapbooks that aims to resist “universal,” often cis, white, heterosexual notions of “good” literature. Cass holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Louisiana Lafayette.