How much does it cost?
It is free to all UIS Students assessed the General Fee and Faculty and Staff who have a valid Rec Membership. A validicard must be presented when checking out a bike.
Late Fees
If a bike checked out in your name is not returned by closing time of TRAC on the designated due date, you will be charged $5 per day for each day the bike, lock, and/or key is late. Bikes (locks/keys) returned 1-5 days late on a first occurrence, you must pay the $5/day for every day that its late. If a bike (lock/key) is returned late by 1-5 days on a second occurrence, you must pay $5/day, and now you no longer have TRAC Stars bike privileges for the rest of the academic year. After 5 days of being late, Campus Recreation will report the bike to the UIS Police Department as a stolen item.