UIS Campus Senate will meet on Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM in PAC 160, Community Room (formerly known as C/D).
If an expected document is missing from the links provided, please notify CampusSenate@uis.edu as soon as possible. Please note that a vote is planned on agenda items labeled as “action item.”
Campus Senate meetings are open to all who are interested in attending any part or all of a meeting. If you wish to share your opinion on a matter under consideration by Senate and cannot attend the meeting in question, feel free to contact the senator who represents you, or you may email your comments to CampusSenate@uis.edu for inclusion verbatim in meeting documents open to the public. Such documents must be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting in question to ensure consideration.
Please contact the Senate Chair or any member of Senate Executive Committee if you have issues you would like to bring to the attention of Campus Senate.
Lynn Fisher
UIS Campus Senate Chair
Professor, Anthropology
Chair, Sociology/Anthropology Department
University of Illinois Springfield