by Oscar Wilde

Directed by Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson

Play Description

Algernon Moncrieff (Algy) and Jack Worthing are young Englishmen who are both looking for a little excitement in their aristocratic lives. To this end, they have each invented alter egos, in order to call themselves away from high society doldrums.  Enter Algy’s aunt, Lady Bracknell, and her daughter, Gwendolyn Fairfax—with whom Jack falls in love. As Jack labors to pass Lady Bracknell’s inspections, Algy has fallen in love with Jack’s ward, Cecily Cardew. Both Gwendolyn and Cecily reveal that any marriage-worthy suitor of theirs must first possess a confidence-inspiring name such as “Earnest.” What follows is a funny, yet perceptive journey for the young men, as they learn who they really are in name and in character.


(In Order of Appearance)

( * = Current UIS Student; (@) = UIS Alum; (C) = Community Member)

LANE, manservant: Curtis Meinhardt (@)

ALGERNON MONCRIEFF: Christopher Vemagiri Marbaniang*

JOHN WORTHING, J.P.: Alessandro Vazquez*

LADY BRACKNELL: Melissa Betty (C)


MISS PRISM, governess: Mary Myers (C)

CECILY CARDEW: Beatrice Bonner*

REV. CANON CHASUBLE, D.D: Andrew Conrad*

MERRIMAN, butler: Curtis Meinhardt (@)

Event Type