Fall 2016

Photo Gallery

(f)=UIS Faculty; (s)=UIS Staff; *=UIS Student; (g)=Guest Artist; (c)=Community Member


Director: Bill Kincaid (g)

Scenic Designer/Technical Director: Dathan Powell (f)

Fight Choreographer: D.C. Wright (g)

Costume Designer: Katie Eickhoff (g)

Costume Assistant: Threas Divyapeppinraj *

Lighting Designer: David Hecht *

Stage Manager: Melissa Betty (c)

Assistant Stage Manager/Wardrobe Crew Lead: Alicia Wright *

Master Carpenter/Deck Lead/Run Crew: Colin Vancrey *

Props Master: Sabrina Holmes (s)

Props Assistant: Rona Taylor *

Props Assistant/Scenic Painting: Kaya Schreiber *

Props Assistant/Sound Board Operator: Emmanuel Anugioba *

Props Assistant/Set Construction: Dinesh Reddy Sgrangapalle *

Set Construction: Abhishek Thakur *

Dramaturg: Sara Cordell (f)

Production Coordinator: Thi Nguyen *

Production Documentarian: Chip Deiss *

Sound Assistant: Suraj Suresh *

Electrics/Light Board Operator: Jon Marchik *

Electrics Assistant: Shafeeq Rahaman *

Electrics Assistant: Joel Walder *


Witch 1, Old Man, Messenger: Sherri Mitchell (c)

Witch 2, Servant, Messenger: Kathy Drum (c)

Witch 3, Messenger, Servant: Kathryn Sherman *

Duncan, King of Scotland: Jim Hepworth (c)

Malcolm, his elder son: Christopher V Marbaniang *

Donalbain, his younger son/Young Siward~In the English Army: Nicholas Jimenez *

Macbeth, Thane of Glamis: Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson (f)

Lady Macbeth: Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson (f)

Banquo~Commander, with Macbeth, of Duncan’s Army: Robert Rickey *

Fleance, Banquo’s son: Sean Mccord (C)

Macduff, Thane of Fife: Michael Krcil (s)

Lady Macduff: Maricela Arce (C)

Macduff’s Elder Son: Avery Biggs (c)

Macduff’s Younger Son: Levi Biggs (c)

Ross~A Scottish Noble: Ted Keylon (c)

Lennox, Angus~Scottish Nobles: Vincent Joseph *

Captain~In the Scottish Army, Murderer 2, Seyton~Attendant to Macbeth: Tarush Bhonsle *

Murderer 1, Mentieth~A Scottish Noble: Terry Lee Crivea *

Porter/Caithness~A Scottish Noble: Jim Bonacum (f)

Doctor/Murderer 3: Vishwas Mani *

Siward~Commander of the English Army: Tom Hutchison (c)

Gentlewoman: Anna Kanai *

Event Type