October 7, 2023

Planets with David becker logo

David Becker is an award-winning, Grammy & Emmy nominated  jazz guitarist, composer, producer, and educator who has shared the stage with such celebrated jazz acts as Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Michael Brecker and others. His  career has spanned four decades and his music can be heard on the Weather Channel, SiriusXM and more.  While David’s touring continues to take him all over the world – most recently Italy, Germany and Japan in just in the past few months – he has made Springfield his permanent address!  

Experience a mesmerizing concert collaboration with Space Channel, titled “PLANETS,” as David leads us on a celestial musical odyssey aboard a transcendent spacecraft of sound. Embark on a captivating auditory and visual expedition where captivating projections of the cosmos merge seamlessly with David’s masterfully composed and improvised melodies.

After the concert concludes, immerse yourself further in the enchantment by joining David at the Campus Observatory for a post-concert gathering, where you can indulge in the wonders of the night sky. 

This event is presented in partnership with the UIS Astronomy-Physics. 

About the Show

Tickets: $40

Limited seating available!

UIS Studio Theatre

UIS Studio Theatre
Event Type