Spring 2018

SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR by Luigi Pirandello  (In a New Adaptation by Robert Brustein)

Photo Gallery

Director: Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson

Scenic Designer: Dathan Powell

Performances:  April 13, 14, 15 (Fri., Sat., Sun.) & April 19, 20, 21 (Thurs., Fri., Sat.), 2018

Originally written in 1921, “6 Characters…” is an absurdist metatheatrical play…our production will be the 1998 Robert Brustein adaptation, which has been described by the publisher as a “highly acclaimed adaption of Pirandello’s masterpiece, a study in illusion and reality which follows a group of characters who try to fashion their life stories into acceptable drama.” – Samuel French Publisher

The story: A group of theatre artists rehearse a known play…and get interrupted by 6 characters from another play, which was never finished by its author. These 6 characters find themselves in a purgatory of sorts, trying to find a “home” for their stories to live in.

Pirandello’s play reminds us that all great art takes on a life of its own, after being created, and we are challenged to find meaningful difference between a work-in-progress and its eventual effects on audience members.

CAST: 9 men, 2 women (+ 2 young boys/girls)

Event Type