Summer/Fall Registration Information

REGISTRATION: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week (except Sundays, 6 a.m. to Noon) By web: Registrar

PRIORITY REGISTRATION: Currently Enrolled Students

Generally, only students enrolled at UIS for the Spring 2025 semester may register for summer/fall during the week of summer/fall priority registration. Registration priority is typically given in the order listed below (although exceptions are made for certain groups of students such as those with documented disabilities, military service members and veterans). Hours are based on courses completed PRIOR to the Spring 2025 semester.

You can view the exact day and time you can register for courses (referred to as your time ticket) on or after April 7 by logging into Student Self-Service for summer/fall (available at Registrar—click the “Register Now!” link and follow the directions given). Students who do not register on their designated dates may register AFTER designated dates.

  • Degree-seeking graduate standing (degree must be posted)
  • Senior standing (90 or more semester hours posted)
  • Junior standing (60 or more semester hours posted)
  • Freshman or Sophomore standing (less than 60 semester hours posted), non-degree and other currently enrolled students
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