Every time you check out a book, you should receive an email from the library stating item titles and due dates. When these items are overdue or renewed, you will receive another email. Please make sure your library account is associated with an email address you often use. Instructions on how to see and edit your library account contact info.

How do I check my Library Account?

  1. You can check your library account via our website.
  2. To see items you currently have checked out, click on the loans tab.
  3. To see any requests/holds you have made, click the requests tab.
  4. To see any fines/fees posted to your library account, click fines + fees.
  5. Additionally, if you have checked out items from other I-share libraries you may see more than one library listed under "my institutions" [squared in green in the image below]. By clicking on each library name, you will see the items loaned/requested from that particular institution.

How do I view/edit my contact info?
After logging into your library account, select the personal details tab to view the address and email linked to your account.

To edit this information, simply click the edit details button and click save changes after typing in the new information.