We accept good quality replacements for library materials. These replacements must be identical or newer versions of the lost/damaged item.

If you need more details about the lost/damaged item, you can see your checked-out materials through your library account or you can always contact us.

There are several websites to purchase new/used books. If you purchase a used book, please look for like-new or good condition: Amazon, ABEbooks, ThriftBooks, Alibris, BookFinder, Chegg, and Barnes and Noble

You can search by title or ISBN. If searching by title, please make sure that the versions match or you are purchasing a newer version.

For media or Library of Things items, please submit a lost/damaged claim and we will help you find an acceptable replacement.

Usually, we would like to replace the lost/damaged book with an identical item.

However, it sometimes happens that these materials are difficult to source, no longer available, or no longer relevant. In this case, we may accept different editions or different books on the same subject. This is dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Before ordering these items, please consult our staff via phone or email.

If you order a replacement online, you can have it shipped to our mailing address:

1 University Plaza, MS BRK 140
Springfield, IL 62703

Or if you prefer to just pay a replacement fee, let us know and we will send the charge to the Cashier's office. For information about how to view (https://answers.uillinois.edu/page.php?id=90452) or pay your fees, please contact the Cashier's office.