Students complete a design or artistic rendition and then submit it virtually.
Goals & Objectives
The goal of an art project is to develop the students artistic skills. While artistic skill can be rendered in any of Gardner’s intelligences, the goal here is art for art’s sake. Goals can also include developing a child’s fine motor skills and color coordination abilities. Specific goals will depend on the particular art project including the form of art being employed. Note that this category does not include physical art forms such as dance or oral or musical arts, but primarily graphical, sculptural, and design arts.
Student will need the skills necessary for the given art form.
Materials and Resources
Teacher Preparations
The teacher needs to prep the assignment description.
Student Requirements
The student will need to acquire any necessary art supplies.
Guiding Questions for this Activity
The questions may be as abstract as how would one artistically interpret the given context.
Activity Outline and Procedure
- The outline includes generating proper learning set in students such as lesson focus and purpose with connections to personal needs and interests.
- The students are presented the project and what the expectations are.
- During the project, students may be required to journal their process for reflective learning or to videotape procedures to verify academic honesty.
- Don’t forget closure. Discuss the final product, perhaps in a synchronous session to help the student develop critical analysis of artistic impressions.
Teaching Strategies
- Be specific. The more specific the assignment, the more difficult it is for students to cheat. At the same time, with some artistic impressions, there needs to be a lot of latitude in student judgment. Some specifics can include the form of the art, the materials to use, and the final product.
- For academic honesty concerns, you can have students submit a process journal or videotape a portion of the project development.
Students with physical disabilities may require more time to complete certain kinesthetic art works.
The time online will not be any different from a traditional classroom and will depend on the type of art project.
Ideas for Activity Evaluation and Teacher Reflection
As already mentioned, student journals may be employed. Student discussions and peer critiques can also help to verify learning. The actual product and its artistic value are also important.