Online instructors need Basic Skills to form a base for the use of pedagogical competencies
Important Considerations
- How to train?
- What to train?
- Who to train?
- Is Competency a requirement or a suggestion?
- How will competency be determined?
Pros and Cons
- Faculty feel confident
- Students benefit
- Less support required
- Lots of training required to achieve competency
- Faculty resistance and contract issues
- How to measure competency?
Basic Technology Skills
Online instructors need basic technology skills to form a base for the use of pedagogical competencies.
- The ability to operate a personal computer within one of the campus’ standard operating systems (Windows, Macintosh)
- Ability to use standard programs like Microsoft Office, Google Docs, YouTube
- Select and save document in appropriate formats (RTF, Web page, .mp4) for student use
- Ability to use standard campus email application(s)
Pedagogic Competencies
- Planning the course
- Designing the site, or using the course management system
- Presenting content in a variety of ways
- Facilitating asynchronous discussion
- Providing feedback
- Assessing student learning
- Evaluating student performance
How to Assess PedagogicCompetencies?
- Take online courses where those topics are the content (MVCR)
- Peer evaluation of ongoing course
- End of term student evaluations
- Other?