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From Provost Schwab

Dear Colleagues,

I start this month’s newsletter with a bit of enrollment news now that we have passed 10th-day census. We are slightly up in total headcount (4,401) and student credit hours (+2.22%) compared to last spring. This is good news, and I thank everyone for their efforts in retaining and recruiting students. Here are a few take-aways:

  • Graduate and doctoral enrollment increased (+53) while undergraduate enrollment decreased (-14)
  • Online graduate and doctoral enrollment increased (+34), as did online undergraduate enrollment (+23)
  • Online credit hours represent 61% of credits generated, up from 57.9% last spring
  • Blended credit hours represent 13.7% of credits, up from 7.3% last spring
  • On-ground credit hours represent 25.3% of credits, down from 34.8% last spring

Although student credit hours and headcount are important, it is even more important to never lose sight of the fact that this all represents our students, on ground and online, and the incredible opportunity and obligation we have to change lives. This is an uncertain time in higher education, and we must remain grounded in the good work we have before us.

We remain vigilant as a number of executive orders and other changes at the federal level increase the level of uncertainty we face as an institution and as individuals. The long-term reality of some of the proposed changes will take time to sort through, and there will undoubtably be continued disruption in the coming weeks. It is important that we support each other through these disruptions, and I want to point to a few resources available to the university community.

The UIS Immigration website provides information and resources for international immigrant communities at UIS. I encourage everyone to check out the resources, including FAQs for faculty, staff, and students.

The Gender and Sexuality Student Services department provides education, advocacy, support, mentoring, and a safe space for sexual and gender minority students.

The Dean of Students is also a great place to find student-focused resources, including the Counseling Center.

The Employee Assistance Program is available for faculty and staff.

UIS is a great community. Let’s take care of each other.



Provost's Open Hour

Faculty and staff are invited to Provost’s Open Hour - Friday, February 14, 12:30-1:30 pm. Check in at UHB 2009.

You are welcome to stop by and sign in for an opportunity to chat with Provost Brandon Schwab on a first come, first served basis.

Important Initiatives

Course Survey App Launched

The UIS Course Survey App is now live, with Spring Intersession students the first to provide feedback via the new instrument. We appreciate the questions from those who participated in the late Fall and early Spring preview sessions, as these questions formed the basis for the Course Survey App FAQ. If you don’t find answers to your questions in the FAQ, the page includes a link to submit additional questions.

Walk-through sessions highlighting faculty access to Course Survey reports will be offered later this Spring.

News Worth Celebrating

Mark Morten joined the Provost’s Office on January 16 as Director of Academic Resources and Business Operations (DARBO). Mark comes to UIS with a diverse background in budget management and administrative services, including experience at SIU School of Medicine, Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), Springfield’s City, Water, Light, and Power (CWLP), and Springfield Ball Charter School. He earned a BS in business administration from DeVry University, an MBA from UIS, and an MS in Education from Northern Illinois University. Mark follows Jackie Gillock, who was selected as UIS’ Director of Finance and Budget in March 2024. We appreciate Jackie’s continued assistance during the vacancy and through the transition. 

We are pleased to announce that Matthew Suda will be joining the Provost's Office staff on February 17 as the Director of Institutional Research, following an extensive two-year search. Dr. Suda comes to UIS from East Arkansas Community College, where he has served as the Executive Director of Enrollment Management and Institutional Research. He holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology and an M.S. in Psychology from the University of Memphis, as well as a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Scranton. Dr. Suda will be succeeding Laura Dorman, who continues to support the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness in an extra-help capacity.

We look forward to welcoming Michael Roth to UIS as Associate Provost for Student Success and Undergraduate Education (APSSUE), following a national search. Dr. Roth will be coming to UIS on March 16 from Red Rocks Community College in Colorado, where he is serving as Dean of Academic Affairs (STEM). His prior appointments include Dean of the School of STEM and Business at Hawkeye Community College in Iowa. Dr. Roth has moved through the faculty ranks as assistant, associate, and full professor at the University of Northern Iowa, and professor and chair of Physics and Program Director of Physics and Pre-Engineering at Northern Kentucky University. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Colorado State University. The search committee appreciated Michael’s involvement with and commitment to student success efforts, including supporting marginalized students and building a sense of belonging.

The assistance of Jorge Villegas has been invaluable while the APSSUE search was underway, and we have appreciated his willingness to oversee undergraduate education responsibilities.

Jacob Friefeld, director of the Center for Lincoln Studies, received the Caroline Bancroft History Prize from the Denver Public Library for “The First Migrants,” a book he co-authored with Richard Edwards. Published by Bison Books, the book examines the migration of Black homesteaders to the Great Plains from 1877 to 1920. Learn more on the UIS Newsroom.

Michele Gribbins, Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness, has been selected to the Finance Committee for UPCEA's Board of Directors.

Save the Dates - ECCE Speakers Series Events

The Office of Undergraduate Education is pleased to offer six Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speakers Series lecture-discussion events this spring, all free and open to the public. Events are scheduled for Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Brookens Auditorium.

Resource Refresh

UIS Acronym Guide - Additions Welcome!

The list of acronyms curated by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness is growing! We hope you will take a moment to review the list and submit additional acronyms.

Unit Administrator and Staff Updates

Wondering who to contact in an Academic Affairs unit? The following lists have been updated for Spring 2025:

Important Business and Finance Updates

Sales Tax Exemption on Purchases: The University of Illinois System is exempt from sales and use taxes when purchasing goods and/or services for official system business within the State of Illinois. Employees purchasing goods and/or services for university use should not pay sales or use tax on those purchases. Read more and access the State of Illinois Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (UIS login required).

New Training Dashboard on the Business and Finance Website: A new Training Dashboard page on the Business and Finance website highlights training resources in six key areas: Accounting & Budgeting, Buying & Contracts, Equipment Management, Paying People, Payments to the University, and Travel. Explore the Training Dashboard to see the most-viewed KnowledgeBase articles in one convenient location on the BusFin website, ensuring you always have quick access to the most relevant training materials. You'll also find links to training on KnowledgeBase, HR systems training, and other helpful resources. Questions? Contact

Newsletter Notes

Subscriptions and Suggestions

Suggestions for future content: We are interested in hearing from you about topics you would like to see covered in the Provost’s Office monthly newsletter. Send content suggestions.

Newsletter opt-in: The Academic Affairs newsletter is sent to employees in the Division of Academic Affairs monthly during the academic year. If the newsletter was forwarded to you or you found it on Campus Announcements, and you would like to be added to the distribution list, please contact Monica Kroft. We would be glad to send it to you directly.

Important Dates

  • Friday, February 14, 12:30-1:30 pm - Provost's Open Hour, check in at UHB 2009
  • Monday, March 10 - Friday, March 14 - Spring Break - UIS open; no classes
  • Tuesday, May 6, 2:30-4 pm – Faculty Honors Reception - save the date

Office of the VCAA/Provost
Contact: Monica Kroft

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