What was your overall UIS experience like?
Being able to work full-time while enrolled in the online MPH program was such a benefit. It provided great flexibility while still being able to communicate regularly with my professors.
Do you have any fond memories of your time at UIS you'd like to share?
Some major life events happened during my MPH program. I got married to a lovely lady, our twin boys were born, and we bought our first house. I look back and smile but can’t help thinking how I stayed sane!
Why did you choose UIS?
Three main reasons:
1) Ability to work full-time while enrolled
2) Reasonable tuition costs
3) The GRE being waived since I am a Licensed Environmental Health Practitioner
What has your career path been like?
My career path can be summed up in 3 words. Steady and eventful. Working in local public health has provided a consistent and dependable career despite the ups and downs of the economy.
Public health / environmental health always keeps you on your toes. Data entry, creating GIS maps, inspecting hen coops, collecting environmental legionella samples, investigating food-borne outbreaks, giving interviews to the media, collecting beach sample, you just never know what the day will throw at you.
How did your UIS education prepare you for your career?
Having an MPH has opened doors and provided opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible
Do you have any cool hobbies/side projects you'd like to tell us about?
I certainly have ideas for side projects but my 8 year old twin boys keep me very busy!
What are some life lessons you'd like to share with current students?
Wherever you are in life, whether working or a student (or both), strive to be the hardest worker. Just as important is to have a good work-life balance. Starts with good sleep, healthy eating (mostly), and getting your heart rate up a few times a week.