Campus Senate Meeting 2022/2023
Friday, September 23, 2022
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
- I. Call to order
- II. Approval of agenda
- III. Approval of minutes
- IV. Guest Speaker-Vickie Cook, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment, Online, Professional, and Engaged Learning
- V. Guest Speaker-Shelby Bedford, Assistant Director--Access and Equity
- VI. Old business-none
- VII. New business
- a. Advisory items
- b. Action items
- i. Slate of committees-part I
- ii. Slate of committees-part II
- VIII. Reports
- a. Chair-C. Weuve
- b. Provost-D. Papini
- c. USC-C. Weuve
- d. Student Government Association-K. Stauder
- IX. Announcements
- X. Adjournment