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A picture of Kathy Petitte Novak
Kathy Petitte Novak

Dr. Novak Featured in Ms. Magazine

Communication professor Dr. Novak was recently featured in Ms. Magazine for her recent article Working Women are Still Fighting Implicit Bias. The article discusses her research regarding women in the labor force, as well as her first time teaching an all-female graduate course.

Novak mentions the tensions her students felt between obtaining a career and providing for the home. She goes on to say, “To be honest, it’d be a lot more do-able for women to ‘have it all’ if true gender equity and the fair division of labor existed in the home.” Her work also mentions recent entertainment and political bias, something she notes that all of use should be aware. “One step toward challenging gender norms is self-awareness. Frankly, even the most consciously liberated among us may be unaware of our own internal biases.”

Congrats to Dr. Novak on the publishing of her article!

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