Angela Try
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GoalsActual Outcomes 12/31/20Actions UnderwayDesired Outcomes by 7/1/21
1. COVID-19: Work with university and system leaders, faculty, staff, students, alumni and community leaders to ensure that the university continues to provide high-quality teaching, learning, research and service during the COVID-19 PandemicLaunched a “Return To The Prairie Plan” for fall operations.

Created/updated student and employee related policies.

Established on site saliva testing program.

Established operating thresholds and an operating dashboard.

Conduct weekly Zoom-COVID-Briefings to ensure continuous quality communication.

Issue periodic emails as needed.

Established a COVID Rapid Response Team to review daily feasting results and recommend any operational mitigations.

Completed the Fall 2020 semester as planned.
Daily Updates From the Response Team.

Convene leadership as needed.

Updated Spring and Summer 2021 terms based on COVID related evidence/ experiences.
Successfully complete all planned academic terms.

Complete all onground activities.
2. Anti-Racism & Social Justice: Work with university and system leaders, faculty, staff, students, alumni and community leaders to build upon UIS’ efforts that advance our values of integrity, civic engagement, diversity, strategic thinking and accountability through our teaching, learning, research and service.Established an Anti-Racism Taskforce with the purpose of reviewing university policy and procedures and recommend further review/changes to any policies and procedures that would reconvene system racism from the university.The Taskforce will engage the Cabinet with ongoing observations and recommendations.Reduce the extent to which UIS enables systemic racism.

Increase the university’s commitment to social justice through the university best operational practices.
3. Enrollment: Work with the provost, the Enrollment Management team, and the deans to enhance student recruitment efforts, implement the Common Application platform, and increase both undergraduate and graduate student enrollments.Doubled the number of students enrolling in the “Fall Half Semester” from 121 to 242 students and almost tripled credit hours.

Introduced a new “Winter Term” that will occur between Fall and Spring with 17 course sections.

Increasing recruitment efforts in the central IL and Springfield metro areas.

Introduced new business graduate degrees including a 14 month MBA.

Increased applications 30% for spring 2021.
Will launch the Common Application, August 2021.Increase both undergraduate and graduate student enrollments.

Launch the Common Application.
4. Academic Affairs Reorganization: Work with the provost, deans and faculty to finalize the college and department realignment and reorganization to optimize intellectual synergies and maximize realization of goals in the Strategic Compass.College and departmental conversations continue.

Various units are at different stages of the 3 Phase Process.

College of Business Has Submitted Their Proposals.

All other units are in process.
Working with the Provost, Deans and Campus Senate and faculty leadership to ensure that we complete a proposal for reorganization in time to submit a final proposal to the UI BOT Fall 2021.

The Campus Senate and the Office of the Provost will be co-hosting a series of Campus Conversations in Spring 21.
College realignment and re-organization completed.
5. Labor Relations: Work with the President’s Office, the Provost’s Office, Human Resources, and faculty and staff leaders on various labor union contracts, including negotiation of successor agreement for faculty bargaining unit.Regularly meet with labor unit leadership to ensure quality lines of communication and consultation related to the collective bargaining agreement.

Regularly meet with UIS/UI System regarding on-going labor items.
Working to suggest a early and mutually agreeable completion of the faculty union contract.

Assembling teams with a meetings starting in January. Seeking training from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for both labor and management to lay the groundwork for a productive and efficient bargaining experience.
Worked to advance the various labor union contracts. Completed the renewal of the tenure system faculty contract.
6. Organizational Improvements: Work with all units of the university and the system CFO to continue identifying efficiencies to strengthen the university’s budget model.Developed a Faculty Incentive Retirement Program.

Re-aligned staff positions to current enrollment/budget conditions as they became available.

Utilizing “efficiency consulting” to review and improve operational efficiencies designed to reduce expenses/ increase revenue.

Enacted a “pause” on all open positions for a leadership review of each position to confirm need and to consider other staff approaches.

Using “student credit hour” and “student to employee” ratio data to review operational efficiency.
Issue a multi-part zoom webinar to describe/explain UIS Revenues/Expenses/ Fiscal Condition/ Fiscal Decision Making/University Budgeting.

Engage our university shared governance to understand and increase their involvement in the university’s budget model.

Launch an initiative inviting all employees to identify efficiencies that could strengthen university operations.
Identified efficiencies that strengthened the university’s budget model.
7. Strategic Compass: Work with administration, faculty, staff and students to continue implementation of the Strategic Compass.Reviewed the Strategic Compass with the Cabinet. Working to selectively advance the plan despite the pandemic.Will review the Strategic Compass with the Cabinet.

Will review progress early Spring 2021.
Implemented all 2020-2021 aspects of the Strategic Compass
8. Community Outreach: Work with university leaders to preserve and extend community outreach to the city of Springfield and the surrounding area.Meet weekly with university and community leaders to ensure our continued outreach despite the pandemic and to discuss future curricular and co-curricular efforts.Continue to institutionalize outreach efforts into UIS teaching, learning, research and service.Preserved and extended community outreach in the city of Springfield and the surrounding area.
9. Reaching Stellar Campaign: Work with the President, the Foundation, the Advancement Office and UIS friends to complete the $40 million campaign.Completed 92% of the campaign. Raised $36.2M of the $40M.Continue to meet with donors and friends to complete campaign goal.Complete the campaign.
10. Innovation Agenda: Assist the President, the Discovery Partners Institute team, the Illinois Innovation Network leaders, and community leaders to continue building out the innovation agenda in Springfield and across the state.Met with all major stakeholders related to the Innovation Agenda.

Working with the UIS innovation leadership to confirm goals/actions/ outcomes for next 12-18 months; the business model to sustain efforts and to establish a greater physical presence in downtown Springfield.
Finalize the current and on-going business model and how we will achieve a greater physical presence in downtown Springfield.Build out the innovation agenda in Springfield and across the state.

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