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Dear UIS Campus Community,

As we continue to experience extreme heat this week, City Water, Light & Power (CWLP) has issued a Maximum Generation Warning. This is due to the increased demand for electricity and a potential energy supply shortage from the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), the regional electric grid operator for the central United States.

To mitigate stress on the electrical grid and ensure that we have sufficient power for everyone, we must take immediate steps to conserve electricity on campus. Additionally, please be aware that the cost of electrical power has been raised to its peak, which incentivizes everyone to minimize electricity usage.

Actions to Conserve Electricity:

  1. Turn Off Lights: When leaving a room, always turn off lights, especially in common areas and unoccupied spaces.
  2. Unplug Devices: Unplug chargers, computers, and other electronics when not being used. Even when turned off, many devices still consume electricity if plugged in.
  3. Use Natural Light: Use natural sunlight during the day instead of artificial lighting where possible.
  4. Adjust Thermostats: Set thermostats to a slightly higher temperature, especially in unoccupied rooms and residences. Every degree higher can result in significant energy savings.
  5. Limit Use of High-Energy Appliances: Avoid using high-energy-consuming devices like electric fans, portable air conditioning units, and personal printers unless absolutely necessary.
  6. Avoid Elevator Use If Able: Use stairs instead of elevators when possible to reduce energy consumption.
  7. Power Down Computers: If you are stepping away from your desk for more than an hour, power down your computer or put it in sleep mode.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this time. Every small effort counts towards reducing the strain on our electrical grid and ensuring we maintain reliable power for everyone on campus and at home.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.

Facilities and Services 

Business Services Building (BSB) 33 


Phone: (217) 206-6530 
