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UIS is committed to maintaining a drug-free environment for its students and employees, in compliance with applicable federal and state laws. Our Drug Prevention Policy and Program was prepared in accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.   

With the advent of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act taking effect Jan. 1, 2020, it is important to know that the legalization of cannabis and its related practices do not change the UIS commitment to a drug-free environment. 

Under the federal Controlled Substances Act, cannabis (marijuana) is classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance and is illegal. Consistent with that Act, the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act, the university prohibits the possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale, or manufacture of cannabis on university property or as part of any university activity. The passage of the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act in 2019, which legalizes certain activities related to cannabis under Illinois state law effective Jan. 1, 2020, does not affect federal law or the university’s cannabis prohibition.

In addition, the university’s cannabis prohibition applies to both recreational and medical use. That means having a medical cannabis registry identification card under the Illinois Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act does not allow you to use or possess cannabis on university property (this includes but is not limited to outdoor spaces, classrooms, and residential halls) or as part of any university activity.

An FAQ regarding the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act is available on the UIS Human Resources website.

Further, as a reminder, UIS’ policy on alcohol consumption states that no one under the age of 21 may store, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages on any property under the control of the university, including campus housing. Persons of legal drinking age – age 21 or older – may possess or consume alcoholic beverages only in areas or at functions specifically designated or approved for such use. Students or employees who violate federal or state laws concerning drugs or alcohol are subject to criminal prosecution; those who violate university policies may also be subject to institutional sanctions.

The unlawful and unauthorized possession, use, distribution dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances or alcohol is prohibited on university property or as part of any University activity. Employees and students who violate this policy may be disciplined in accordance with university policies, statutes, rules, regulations, employment contracts, and labor agreements, up to and including discharge and referral for prosecution.

To ensure we meet federal guidelines, the Drug Prevention Policy and Program is distributed to all UIS students and employees. Please familiarize yourself with the policy. The UIS Alcohol and Other Drugs brochure also provides information on policies regarding drugs and alcohol.

Any UIS student who reports a violation of the Drug Prevention Policy and Program in good faith will not receive a disciplinary sanction for an ancillary Student Conduct Code violation, such as underage drinking, revealed in the course of the student’s report, unless UIS determines the violation was egregious, including without limitation an action that places the health or safety of any other person at risk.

Compliance with these laws and acts represents our university’s commitment to maintaining a healthy learning and work environment. For additional questions, students should contact the UIS Counseling Center at 217-206-7122 or the Dean of Students Office at 217-206-8211 with any questions. Employees should contact UIS Human Resources at 217-206-6652.


Bethany Bilyeu

Executive Director of Student Support Services