Publish Date

February 15, 2023

Dear colleagues:

The news release below regarding Gov. J.B. Pritzker's budget proposal will be sent to news media later this afternoon.

Governor’s 2024 budget plan would provide reinvestment in U of I System and public higher education

SPRINGFIELD – The state budget proposed today by Gov. J.B. Pritzker would provide a 7% increase in general operating support for the University of Illinois System, increasing the system’s total general funds appropriation to $697.1 million for the coming fiscal year, and representing a vital reinvestment in public higher education that would build on last year’s appropriation increases. 

“We share with the governor a vested interest in our state’s success, and higher education is a critical partner,” University of Illinois System President Tim Killeen said. “We are excited to see the governor’s strong support in today’s budget proposal. It represents a second consecutive year of needed reinvestment in our public colleges and universities. This funding would help enhance the world-class education and experiences of our students, the workforce of the future.”

The governor also recommended a $100 million increase for the state’s Monetary Award Program (MAP), to $701 million. About 44 percent of all resident undergraduate students across the U of I System universities receive MAP aid.

“Programs like MAP and the state’s AIM High grants are important tools to support our efforts to increase access and affordability, keeping more of our students in the state of Illinois,” Killeen added. “We appreciate the governor’s leadership in making higher education the important priority that it deserves to be. We are eager to work with the governor and General Assembly members from across the state to ensure an exciting future for the state of Illinois.”


The University of Illinois System is a world leader in research and discovery, and the largest educational institution in the state with more than 94,800 students, about 26,000 full-time equivalent faculty and staff, and universities in Urbana-Champaign, Chicago and Springfield. The U of I System awards more than 24,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees annually.

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