Upcoming Event
Holiday Happy Hour
All faculty and staff are invited to a Holiday Happy Hour from 4-5 p.m. on December 19 in the Student Union Ballroom. There will be music, drinks, and appetizers to celebrate the season! Release time will be in effect for this event. To help us plan for the festivities, please register using the link below.
Register for Holiday Happy Hour
New Year Reminder
Minimum Wage Compression Plan
Year 3 salary increases for employees eligible to participate in the Minimum Wage Compression Increases are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2024. More information on the plan can be found on the HR website. Pay increases for employees in bargaining units will be determined by negotiations with the bargaining representative and/or applicable contract settlements and are not subject to unilateral adjustments unless authorized or permitted pursuant to the collective bargaining process.
Coming Soon in January 2024
Employee Development Series
Thank you to everyone who attended, presented, or supported the Supervisor Development Series that we offered throughout 2023. In 2024, we are very excited to bring you an Employee Development Series, which will be open to all faculty and staff and will be offered the last Wednesday morning of each month. Content will include professional development, trainings, and other topics of interest. Our first event of the series will be The Future of Higher Education and the Impact of the Demographic Cliff and will be presented by Vickie Cook, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment & Retention Management. The event will be held in Brookens Auditorium on January 31 from 9-11 a.m. More information, including registration, will be coming in January. Release time for the Employee Development Series will be available with supervisor approval.
If you have an idea for an Employee Development Series event, please email us at uishr@uis.edu.
Helpful Tips
Holidays, Gift Days, and Earn Codes
As a reminder, President Killeen is granting leave-benefit-eligible employees three gift days on December 22, 28, 29, 2023 to complement the FY 2024 Holiday Schedule. On these gift days, employees who are normally scheduled to work will be excused with full pay at the employee’s regular rate of pay. As a reminder, please see the attached Earnings Codes to Use for Time Reporting on a Gift Day, Holiday, or Designated Holiday to assist with properly recording time.
Employees who have been determined to be essential are required to work their regular schedule during these days. Essential staff, or employees who work in services of a continuing nature, which in the judgment of the unit head cannot be suspended, will be paid at their regular rates, and will be given time off with pay equivalent to their hours worked at another time on or before 6/30/24. Employees represented by a collective bargaining agreement will be compensated in accordance with the terms and conditions in their union contract. Supervisors or unit heads shall advise each employee of the alternative schedule to be followed.
For additional guidance applicable to Civil Service staff, please refer to the following University Policies and Rules:
- Rule 8.02 - Relation of Work Schedule and Holiday
- Policy 9 - Holiday Pay
- Rule 11.13 - Excused Absence with Pay/Gift Day
Questions regarding Gift Days, Holidays, or Earn Codes may be directed to UIS Human Resources at uishr@uis.edu.
Thank You!
During this season of giving and gratefulness, Human Resources would like to extend our best wishes to all UIS faculty and staff. Thank you for all you do for our campus community to ensure a positive, successful academic environment. We hop you have a safe and enjoyable time off during the holiday season!
Save the Date!
- 12/6/2023: New Hire Orientation (Contact mwest22@uis.edu for information)
- 12/14/2023: AEO Inclusive Workforce Series Session - Search Manual
- 12/19/2023: Holiday Happy Hour Event
- 12/22/2023-1/1/2024: Holiday Break and Gift Days
- 1/3/2024: New Hire Orientation (Contact mwest22@uis.edu for information)
- 1/15/2024: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
- 1/31/2024: Employee Development Series - The Future of Higher Education and the Impact of the Demographic Cliff
© 2023 University of Illinois Springfield · uishr@uis.edu(link sends email) · www.uis.edu/HR