Human Resources Newsletter
MARCH 2025
Student & Extra Help Hiring Process Updates
Student Employees
Hiring processes for Undergraduate Hourly and Graduate Hourly Employees are changing effective March 16, 2025! In an effort to expedite the hiring process, departments will no longer be required to post their position for a minimum of three days and/or have a minimum of three candidates interviewed. Departments will now have the option to traditionally post the position and search for students or directly hire already identified candidates. Providing this updated option will allow departments to more efficiently hire students and reduce the time taken to fill essential positions. For questions about this process change, please contact Student Employment at
To read more about this process, please visit Hire a Student | University of Illinois Springfield (The website will be updated on 3/16/2025 to reflect the change.)
Extra Help Employees
Hiring processes for Extra Help Employees are changing effective March 16, 2025! In an effort to expedite the hiring process, departments will no longer be required to post their position for a minimum of three days and/or have a minimum of three candidates interviewed. Departments will now have the option to traditionally post the position and search for Extra Help or directly hire already identified candidates. Providing this updated option will allow departments to more efficiently hire Extra Help Employees and reduce the time taken to fill essential positions. For questions about this process change, please contact Human Resources at
To read more about this process, please visit Extra Help | University of Illinois Springfield (The website will be updated on 3/16/2025 to reflect the change.)

Save the Date: 2025 Retirement & Recognition Ceremony
We are counting down until the 2025 Retirement & Recognition Ceremony where we will come together to celebrate our colleagues as a campus community. On April 17, 2025, we will celebrate our retirees for their service to the university. In addition to retirements, we will also be celebrating colleagues for milestone achievements of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service. Please consider joining us in the celebration that will take place in the Student Union Ballroom from 9:00-10:30am. Please RSVP below to attend.
Employee Development Series:
Annual Evaluations
We are excited to announce the next installment of the Employee Development Series: Annual Evaluations presented by Kenzie Westlake and Drew Schlosser from the Office of Human Resources on March 26, 2025, from 9:00-11:00am. Information from this session will be most beneficial to supervisors, but all are welcome to attend. Things that will be covered in this session include: how the form works, how to prepare for an evaluation discussion with employees, and avoiding evaluation pitfalls.
This will be a virtual Microsoft Teams session. Please join us for this informative presentation!
2025 CAPE/CARE Awards Ceremony
The Chancellor’s Award of Recognizing Excellence in Civil Service (CARE) and the Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence Award (CAPE) have been awarded annually at UIS for the past 18 and 22 years. Last year, the Chancellor also introduced four additional staff awards: The Orion award (for impact on students), Polaris award (for staff leadership), Nova award (for new employees), and Sirius award (for shining attitude and performance). Each year, we receive nominations highlighting members of our campus community who consistently go above and beyond their duties and truly exemplify excellence.
Please join us in the Student Union ballroom on March 13, 2025, at 3:00pm to celebrate our deserving nominees! Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available.
(If you are a Civil Service or Academic Professional employee who does not wish to attend the ceremony, but would still like to claim a meal card for Staff Appreciation Day, please complete the registration form, indicate you will not attend, and enter your university affiliation. You will then see the option to claim your card.)

2025 Take Your Child to Work Day
Human Resources presents the third annual Take Your Child to Work Day on April 24, 2025. We have a fun-filled day planned that includes a dorm tour, a slime activity, and a tour of the E-Sports Arena. We welcome up to 20 kids, aged 10-15 years old (7-9 years old with a parent present), to come and join us for the afternoon.
To participate, register your child(ren) today!
Questions? Email or call (217) 206-6652
Save the Date
- 03/19/2025 - New Hire Orientation (contact for more information)
- 03/26/2025 - 2025 Development Series: Annual Evaluations
- 04/02/2025 - New Hire Orientation
- 04/16/2025 - New Hire Orientation
- 04/17/2025 - 2025 Retirement & Recognition Ceremony
- 04/24/2025 - Take Your Child to Work Day
- 04/30/2025 - 2025 Development Series: Hiring Student Employees and Interns