J. Jacqueline McLean (Class of 1978) is a veteran investigative reporter who has won an Edward R. Murrow and eight Emmy awards. Her creative and unique reporting style led to her being named one of the top three reporters in the country by the National Press Photographers Association in 2006. Her work includes the development of OCI, OnCamera Investigations, an online, independent investigative news agency, and JM Bonjour Productions, a news consulting and video production outlet. She has produced several documentaries, including “Being Black,” which was nominated for an Emmy and chosen as an official selection in the San Francisco Black Film Festival. McLean also worked as an investigative reporter at KMSP-TV in Minneapolis; KGMB-TV in Honolulu; WCNC-TV in Charlotte, N.C.; WTTG-TV in Washington, D.C.; WEWS-TV in Cleveland; WRIC-TV in Richmond, Virginia; WHAS-TV in Louisville, Kentucky; WALA-TV in Mobile, Alabama; and KFSM-TV in Fort Smith, Arkansas. She was the weekend anchor in Richmond and Cleveland. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Bradley University and, in 2017, earned a master of fine arts in writing from Hamline University. Her writings have appeared in Water~Stone Review, No Tokens, Fresh.Ink, The Write Launch, Hawaii Review, River River, Wraparound South, York Literary Review, storySouth, and Rock, Paper, Scissors. Besides her news career, McLean is most proud of her racing accomplishments. Since turning 65, she has run seven marathons and countless half marathons.