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Dear Colleagues:

Last semester, I announced that, in response to the recommendations from the Underrepresented Faculty Recruitment and Retention Taskforce, I would be initiating a DEI Strategic Planning process. At that time, I issued a campus-wide call for nominations for members of the committee that would take on this initiative. Since then, I have witnessed the overwhelming commitment that our campus has for advancing our DEI-related efforts. With this in mind, I have decided to form a Chancellor’s Committee for Belonging, Dignity and Justice to launch our campus-wide strategic planning efforts and coordinate subsequent efforts to monitor progress, recommend initiatives and serve as a resource for campus constituents. The committee’s charge will include the following:

  1. Examine reports and recommendations provided by previous and existing committees focusing on issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion; anti-racism; and belonging, dignity and justice.
  2. Facilitate activities to gather information regarding perceptions, experiences and understandings of belonging, dignity and justice across all areas of the university.
  3. Develop a strategic plan to issue university-wide goals, align our efforts and initiatives, and prescribe accountability mechanisms (including expectations regarding unit-level goal-setting, monitoring and evaluation).
  4. Serve as an ongoing resource to the university for promoting awareness and best practices for enhancing belonging, dignity and justice by coordinating initiatives and liaising between campus constituents and the Chancellor’s office.

I have asked Shelby Bedford, assistant director for access and equity, to chair this committee. We are committed to having this committee begin some of its foundational work this semester, with formal strategic-planning activities beginning in the fall. Before making final decisions on committee membership, I am providing one final call for nominations. If you or one of your colleagues are interested in participating in this work, please email Shelby Bedford at by Monday, Jan. 23.

Thank you,


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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