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Dear UIS Students, Faculty and Staff —

Welcome to the 2022-23 Academic Year! Classes begin today, and our campus is buzzing with renewed energy after a quiet summer. I hope everyone is recharged and excited for a new semester. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here, and I’m convinced it’s going to be an amazing year!

Over the past seven weeks, I have been able to settle in a bit into my new role as chancellor and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know my new colleagues and some of our amazing students. Now that fall semester is beginning, I look forward to many more opportunities to meet members of the UIS community through hosting open forums, coffee chats and meet-and-greets, as well as attending as many campus events as possible. It is my objective to learn as much as I can about UIS by listening to a wide variety of voices so I best understand where our strengths and opportunities lie.

What is already clear is that we are well-positioned to provide an engaging academic experience this semester. Our academic colleges and programs recently reorganized to revitalize curriculum and develop new academic degree programs that our students want and need to be successful. I am so encouraged by the promise this academic endeavor offers, and I know we will do our very best to take full advantage of every opportunity, with student success our collective goal.

Although the pandemic is still with us, it is encouraging to know that we are able to enjoy many more traditional aspects of university life this semester thanks to vaccines, therapeutics and widespread testing availability. Our COVID-19 protocols have adapted to reflect both system and CDC guidance, and I appreciate everyone’s efforts to prioritize safety and keep our campus productive. For the latest information on protocols and requirements, visit or email questions to

UIS has proven time and again that together, we can accomplish amazing things. I’m so proud to have each of you in the UIS family—whether you are here as a student for the first time, an online learner from afar, a returning student, a seasoned faculty or staff member, new faculty, or somewhere in between.

Our future is bright!


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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