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Dear Students, Faculty and Staff —

Happy first day of classes! Whether you are with us on campus or joining us online this semester, I hope you are ready to make the most of the months ahead. It’s going to be a great fall!

There’s a noticeable charge of excitement in the air this time of year, with the promise of new opportunities and the anticipation of what’s to come. I hope each of you has a rewarding semester and learns new ideas, forms new and deepens existing relationships and moves closer to achieving your goals.

We strive to make UIS a place where everyone is welcome and can succeed. As you may be aware, the U.S. Supreme Court this summer ruled against the explicit consideration of race in student admissions; however, this does not diminish our commitment to inclusion and diversity, and we will continue to strive to serve all communities, including those historically underrepresented.

Diversity of thought, background, identity and experience is essential to the mission of our university, which is to provide a uniquely student-centered educational experience both in and out of the classroom through active learning, meaningful research and impactful civic engagement that prepares graduates to contribute fully to society.

The diversity of our community expands the pool of talent we can attract and prepares all of our students with essential cultural competencies, enhancing their ability to work and lead collaboratively. To advance as a community, we must engage in civil discourse across differences in a supportive environment that promotes free expression and academic freedom. UIS will continue to prepare students to take the lead in bridging the divides that trouble our society and overcome obstacles that prevent us from reaching our true potential.

UIS has proven time and again that, together, we can accomplish amazing things. I’m so proud to have each of you in the UIS community—thank you for choosing to be a Prairie Star!

Have a great semester,


Janet L. Gooch, PhD


University of Illinois Springfield

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