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Happy Tuesday, UIS:

It has been amazing to see campus come alive once again. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone at the Faculty and Staff Academic Year Kickoff and at New Student Convocation. In case you were unable to attend Kickoff, a recording is available. I am confident that this academic year will be exceptional.

New Information

New Card Readers

During the fall semester, card reader locks will be installed at the Public Affairs Center (PAC) building’s exterior tower entrances to enhance event security and streamline ticket operations for the Performing Arts Center. During events, access to the PAC may be restricted. While these changes may cause some inconvenience, they are crucial for ensuring the safety of our community. Learn more on Orbit.

New Parking Policy

The new proposed UIS parking policy is available online for comments by members of the university through Sept. 12.

Social Media Accessibility Training

At 10 a.m. Sept. 13, the Office of Media Strategy will host a Zoom training for using required accessibility features, such as alt text and closed captioning, on unit social media accounts. UIS requires that all units use these features to comply with the U.S. Department of Justice’s new rule to strengthen web and mobile app access for people with disabilities.

Faculty Experts and Speakers Page

Faculty members—update your biographical information so it appears on the new UIS Faculty Experts website. Visit the UIS Directory and search for your name. Next, scroll to the bottom and click “edit.” Click the “Update biography, area of specialization, or area of expertise” link, and provide your information.

Submit Your AI Research Project

UIS is curating a list of AI research projects, completed or in progress, by UIS faculty, students and/or staff. This initiative will help bring together all the great research and showcase it on the AI-at-UIS website. If you have an AI research project you are involved in, please submit the project details or join the AI Steering Committee to guide best practice and preparation for swift developments in the field.

Reminders about Library Resources 

Brookens Library has a wide range of services including course reserves, instruction consultations and access to resources like the I-Share catalog, Faculty Resource Guide and a subscription to The State Journal-Register. Additionally, the library is leading a $102,668 Open Educational Resources (OER) grant to enhance courses and reduce textbook costs for students.

ITS tools and resources are available to support you and our students. Classroom and lab computers have been upgraded to Windows 11, and HyFlex classrooms have been enhanced with new teaching tools. Faculty can also access resources like Kaltura CaptureCitrix Virtual Desktop and LinkedIn Learning for classroom support.

Enhance your online teaching skills through ION Professional eLearning Programs. These flexible, practical courses cover a range of topics, including instructional design and technology integration, and are designed to help you excel as an online educator.

Information that Bears Repeating

Lincoln Legacy Lecture: Sept. 12

The UIS Center for Lincoln Studies will host the 22nd annual Beaumont Endowed Lincoln Legacy Lecture focusing on “Lincoln and Political Conflict,” at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 12 in the Student Union Ballroom. The lecture is free and open to the public, but registration is encouraged.

Celebrating Our Star Power

Please join me in welcoming the 23 new faculty members for Fall 2024. These educators bring a wealth of expertise and passion to their respective fields, enriching the academic environment and furthering UIS' commitment to excellence and innovation.

Congratulations to Jacob Friefeld, PhD, director of the Center for Lincoln Studies, for winning a Nebraska Book Award in the nonfiction history category for his book, “The First Migrants,” co-authored with Richard Edwards. Published by Bison Books, the book examines the migration of Black homesteaders to the Great Plains from 1877 to 1920.

Michele Gribbins, EdD, has been named Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness (APIRE). We look forward to enhanced capacity in the areas of institutional research and institutional effectiveness under Dr. Gribbins' leadership.

Getting to Know You

Mike Hermann Professional Headshot

This is a new section of the newsletter that I’ve been wanting to implement for some time. We have so many amazing people working at UIS, I thought this would be a great opportunity to spotlight an employee in each newsletter.

This week I would like to introduce Mike Hermann, our new Athletic Director. Read about Mike’s past work experience, his midwestern upbringing and love of pie on Orbit.

Have a great week!


Janet L. Gooch, PhD
University of Illinois Springfield

P.S. If you have a topic you’d like me to consider for my newsletter, submit your idea here. I love to highlight your news, events and accolades.

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