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Dear Faculty and Staff —

The week began with a review of UIS laboratory environmental and safety reports to ensure compliance with safety protocols. There are no alternatives to environmental safety standards along with necessary corrective actions done on every campus in the country. The memo outlining a protocol for adherence to environmental and safety requirements has been developed with the advice of the Department of Human Resources and UIS legal counsel.

The Chancellor’s Cabinet met on Tuesday and considered search prospects for the vice chancellors for Student Affairs and for Finance and Administration positions. Further, substantial classroom scheduling changes were considered, and a consultative meeting will be held with colleges before any decision is finalized on the implementation of recommendations from campus facilities. 

Guidelines have been suggested to the college deans for their respective presentations to the University Planning and Budget Committee in late April or early May.  Comparable presentations to the UPBC will be forthcoming for every division at the University with the presentation for the Academic Affairs Division slated for Thursday, May 4.

Focused attention has been given to the substantial workload for processing applications for the graduate program in Computer Science (CSC).  We are very grateful for the triage team that has agreed to assist the departmental head in resolving a substantial application backlog. The CSC department has a long history at UIS and has been overwhelmed with applications, mainly from international students due to the recruitment success with our Shorelight contract.  Additionally, a review of proximate graduate CSC programs could result in curricular revisions which focus increasingly on artificial intelligence and cybersecurity -- if personnel resources can be marshalled for the expected enrollment growth in this program.

Six colleagues visited during my open office hours on Tuesday. Discussions involved a failed faculty search, confusion about IRB decisions, the full use of the performing arts center, accreditation standards, positive experiential opportunities for students in finance, and an apparent salary discrepancy between academic advisors and online program directors with similar job descriptions. Relevant parties will respond to issues raised as quickly as possible within our human and resource limits.

The Board of Trustees meeting held at UIS Wednesday and Thursday was productive. I will attend the annual Railsplitter’s Banquet and Award ceremony tonight, mainly to acknowledge the three honorees (including Dr. Betsy Goulet from Public Management and Policy) who devote their talent and time for the greater good in the Springfield area.

Thank you,


Linda M. Delene, PhD

Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA) and Provost

University of Illinois Springfield

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