Publish Date

The Chancellor’s Cabinet is establishing a new opportunity for the university community to comment on proposed university-level policies or significant policy revisions. For at least two weeks prior to taking final action on a proposed policy or significant policy revision, the draft policy will be made available to view online along with a comment form.

Two policies are currently open for comments:

  1. Updates to the UIS Social Media Policy
    • These updates have been in development since fall semester and include clarification regarding acceptable use of department and unit social media accounts and updates to comment moderation guidelines.
  2. New Security Assessment Policy
    • This policy has been in development since June 2023 and is intended to establish a process for determining security needs for events held on campus.

If you would like to make comments, please provide them by completing this form no later than May 21. Please complete one form per policy. A UIS login is required to view both the policies and the comment form.

The Cabinet will consider comments submitted prior to making its final recommendation for approval to the chancellor. Future policies open for comment will be posted on the UIS Policies Open for Comment website and announced through Campus Announcements, Orbit and the Chancellor’s UIS Update newsletter to employees.

Thank you,

Kelsea M. Gurski, MA

Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communication

Chief of Staff to the Chancellor

University of Illinois Springfield