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We are excited to announce that employer registration is now open for the UIS Foot in the Door Fair set to take place on Thursday, August 29, 2024.  The Foot in the Door Fair is a unique opportunity to engage with students at the start of the Fall semester and share about immediate or upcoming on-campus (student employment), part-time, internship, or volunteer roles that could help students to build skills, experience, and make a valuable professional connection with you and your department/organization.

Sound like something you would be interested in? Learn more and complete your employer registration online via UIS CareerConnect (Handshake). Departments that are a part of the University of Illinois Springfield – Student Employment employer account will need to register for their “Division” within the employer account. Click on the drop down menu where it says “registered” and select “register another division” to move forward in completing your registration. Contact Kristin at if you have questions about registering for your division or need to have your division added to the list of options. 

Interested in learning more about this or other career collaboration opportunities? Reach out to the Career Development Center team today at (217) 206-6508 or!

Save the Date - Upcoming Career Fair Events

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024 - Foot in the Door Fair
  • Thursday, October 17, 2024 - Business & IT Fair
  • Friday, March 21, 2025 - Career Connections Expo

Looking forward to new and continued opportunities to collaborate and support students.

Career Development Center

University of Illinois Springfield



Phone: 217.206.6508